Why choose SMU
University that teaches Korean the best
As of 2022, 1st place in Chungchengnamdo Korean language proficiency achievement rate. As of 2022, 86.3% of graduates
Low tuition fees & abundance of scholarships
Reasonable tuition fees and low living expenses 40% to 100% scholarship depending on grades
English Track Admission
Admission to undergraduate school (D-2 visa) is possible with English scores English Track
Employment opportunity for foreign students
Employment opportunities in Korean companies after college graduation. Provides foreign employment support program Asan Campus close to Samsung
Popular Undergraduate Courses
(Conducted in Korean)

Software and Covergence
Computer Science & Engineering

Software and Covergence
AI & Software Technology

Software and Covergence
Advanced Automotive Engineering

Arts and Physical Education
Visual Communication

Arts and Physical Education
Video Design

Arts and Physical Education
Broadcast Contents

Smart Information & Communications Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Electronic Engineering

Global Business
Tourism & Airline Management

Global Business
IT Management

Global Business
Business Administration

Health Science
Pharmaceutical Engineering & Biotechnology

Health Science
Food Science

Humanities and Social Sciences
Media & Communication

Humanities and Social Sciences
Counseling Psychology
What students say
Students’ Testimony Video